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National Get on all fours Day

``` SEPTEMBER 20 ```

National Get On All Fours Day!

This is the national day where all bottoms have to get on all fours infront of their top.

T: Get on all fours.
B: W-why?
T: It's National Get on all fours day.
B: Oh.
B: (Gets on all fours)

by ImDownBad August 25, 2022

1👍 1👎

Get off my channel

Something people sometimes say when someone is harassing them a bit.

YouTuber: Your content sucks!
YouTuber 2: Then get off my channel

by Sofkefkfkkrk June 16, 2024

My dukes get cheezy

My parents get upset.

When I smoke in the car, my dukes get cheezy.

by litfigures September 23, 2020

let's not get ahead of oursel...

Usually said just before getting ahead of ourselves.

Redditter 1: Jacob follows Rogue on Twitter, Roster change confirmed.
Redditter 2: Let's not get ahead of oursel... Jacob on Rogue confirmed.

by Guarden February 5, 2018

getting in a domestic

when you literally just start beating the shit outta your s/o

"yo me and sandra got in a domestic earlier"
"damn, you rock her shit?"
"bro she hospitalized on god"

"Man if she doesn't make me a sandwich I'm getting in a domestic with her"
"bro clap her ass"

by TheManOfChairs November 2, 2021

Get Salty

To be ejaculated on or in as defined originally by Jay.

You close bae” “Yeah bae I’m about to get salty all over you”.

by KingBuck1701D December 29, 2022

Get My Mind Right

To smoke a cigarette/blunt/or any substance that will alter your state of mind, typically to improve your ability to complete an otherwise boring task. Typically something you would say prior to doing so. Basically the equivalent of "I'm going to excuse myself real quick to go out back/run to my car to smoke a cig/blunt/joint"

i.e. Go take a smoke break

Hey man can you watch the grill? Imma go get my mind right

Im gonna start cleaning up my station, just let me go get my mind right first

by styn December 11, 2021