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Curran Loves Big Bite

Curran Loves Big Bite is a rapidly spreading saying that is gathering a cult following within Newfoundland and beyond. Coming out of St. John's, it is used to describe a person who really enjoys single slice pizza, mainly from the Big Bite chain. It can also be used to describe someone that goes to community college.

"Curran goes to Coughlin College"
"Curran loves big bite."
When someone is pissing you off... "Go eat some big bite."

by Jack Curran December 12, 2006

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jogger string love heart

The jogger string love heart

Is special because he/she has gone through the pain of making it perfect for there girl/boy

Hey babe send me a picture of your jogger strings in a shape of a love heart
What like the jogger string love heart of course β€˜Image sent’
Love you too babe

by King_jjcraig77 November 27, 2021

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rage, love, lust, on fire


🎢Rage, love, lust, on fireee
Rage, live, kust, on fireee
Forgive me for breaking my promise, i'm sorry
Forgive me for breaking my promise, i'm sorry
I'm heartless, i'm nobody i feek like i'm Roxas
That's why i only stick around with them girls, that's toxic
Y-y-you dont want my loveeee....
You dont want my looooveee......🎢

by Iwritethingsherewhenimbored September 24, 2023

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who loves who more

when I tell Matthew how much I love him he says he loves me more even though I love him more.

Me: hey Matthew I love uπŸ₯Ί
Matthew: I love u more seanπŸ₯ΊπŸ₯Ί
me: stfu and let me love u more so we know who loves who more

by cat piss drinker 99 July 2, 2021

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bintou loves chris more

it’s 100% proven that bintou loves chris more

omg did you know that bintou loves chris more

by ilovemoosetracks April 13, 2022

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I love you the mostest

Tiana Loves Nicole The Mostest And That Is The Facts

Tiana: I love you the mostest

Nicole: not possible because.....

Tiana: interupts and shows definition on Urban Dictionary

by HelloiamFacts December 31, 2019

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kid gloves tough love

The version of tough love where the parent (typically) has to tippy-toe the tough love, rather than do smash-their-car- level tough love.

Variants: tippy-toe tough love Antonym: smash-their-car-level tough love

Child: Pick my hanger up
Parent: No
Child (still in bed at midday): But you knocked it down
Parent: Its for your own good. GET OUT OF BED AND PICK THE *** THING UP YOURSELF
Child: !
Parent: Kid gloves tough love, sweetie, kid gloves tough love

by gmaroz May 22, 2021

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