The look on someone’s face when they are pretending to like something. Everyone in cereal commercials pretends to enjoy it even though no one really likes cereal that much.
Would you look at her, she has stupid, cereal face.
The razootoh face is a particular face that can be made by pursing ones lips as if they were to give someone a kiss, followed by squinting of the eyes and tilting ones head back.
Gee, Mike sure is the champ at doing the razootoh face!
When a face has been blown off and looks like a gaping hole of a belly button.
He's got a case of the 'naval face'.
Cat call that you use when you see a girl in the mall that you’d like to pipe down.
That Rachel girl has a plumbers face.
A person with an expression of perpetual cynicism.
I asked if I could bring an outside drink into the theater and the usher gave me the "seriously face".
Haggard and scruffy, slightly rape(y)
Bro got mad priest-face, must be finals week.
When someone who is EXTREMELY pale is covered in lots of freckles to make their face look as if it was a bowl of milk and coco pops
Abbie: You have loads of freckles and ur very pale
Laura: I know, I have a coco pop face