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mad brick

(adj) When it's so cold that you would even resort to 'bricking' i.e. getting naked with your bro to fervently rub your bare bodies against each other, for nothing more than the friction induced heat. Although this may sometimes lead to arousal and subsequent ejaculation, the action is purely heterosexual in nature.

It was mad brick out today, so Tim and Alex decided to engage in bricking; which quickly escalated into an all out session of bro sex. However, since they both declared 'no homo' beforehand, the days event were perfectly acceptable.

by JasonJones December 12, 2013

42๐Ÿ‘ 85๐Ÿ‘Ž

shit brick

A kid who cannot take a shit in public places. Usually resulting from a traumatic experience during childhood, involving a public restroom.

We call my friend Chris Orr 'shit brick' cuz he shit his pants in class one time cuz he rufused to use the public bathrooms.

by Cee Dub December 30, 2004

25๐Ÿ‘ 51๐Ÿ‘Ž

Bricked up

Empirically, "bricked up" often referred colloquially to the consolidation of a powder substance into a brick-like format to the degree that the narcotic powder , be it snow, hard, dogfood, tina, or whatever the fuck. Essentially, I felt compelled to report the true meaning as a factor stemming from my years of soaking in urban terminology. Apparently, alternative degenerate definitions deeming bricked up to have a sexual connotation indicating that a male has achieved a state of bloodflow to his johnson, however, in refined circles of gentleman scholars, "Bricked up" is a designation of the final result of packing of one kilogram of narcotic powder into a universally transportable and snortable state.

Salutations good lad, I have been laboring in the kitchen, water-whipping my pyrex, and am now pleased to inform you that I have 3 kilos of crack bricked up and ready for dispersal among the masses.

by Madderhatter July 29, 2021

75๐Ÿ‘ 180๐Ÿ‘Ž

Bricked Up

Bricked up in a term used by people over the age of 30 to describe a โ€œhard fuckingโ€.

Man last night I got to bricked up by Chad

by Theerealgarcia6969 April 1, 2022

4๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

Corn brick

A man/boy who is on the virge of becoming obese.

Hey corn brick! chill out.

by mattmorris101 February 19, 2009

3๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

brick tits

when someone has rock hard breasts, can be a guy or a girl. With a guy its pectoral muscles, for a girl it is just abnormally large breasts.

Did you hear about christyn? I heard he has brick tits!

by KoopyPooyKins April 26, 2016

3๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

Bricked up

The feeling following torching some good, good grass. Toasted, to the point of no return. The feeling of hunger, laughter, and relaxation. Talking to pictures and swinging on the swings. Peeing in a yard. You might even think it's really 10 inches, or suddenly have to drop a mondo dookey. Stoned, cheifed, skiied, torched, and everything in between. High on Marijuana.

Bricked up

" Yo, I'm Bricked up." "Guys, lets get bricked" "Who's got the brick?" "Yeah, we're bricked up playing roblox."

by Reallymondo10dookeyinches January 23, 2022

16๐Ÿ‘ 29๐Ÿ‘Ž