The best school in South Jersey. 2007 undefeated state champions in Ice Hockey and Swimming, and also 2007 state champions in Tennis. Also home to the Richland Rowdies, the most dominating, die-hard, feared fans ever to hit New Jersey high school sports.
St. Augustine Prep kicked the shit out of Bishop Useless in hockey and everyother sport this year. Especially hockey. 23-0.
246๐ 115๐
An all boys Preparatory school in Jersey City, New Jersey. As the alma mater for some of the brightest minds of New Jersey for over 150 years, St. Peter's has been a strong point of the Jersey City community, making up for what destruction Hudson Catholic brought since 1962.
(warning): Hudson catholic students will have to use a dictionary in order to understand the full meaning of this definition
When Hudson attempts to ketchup students at a school they leave the packets closed.
When Prep retaliates, we beat there ass in the county finals 46-45
341๐ 161๐
this pretty much sums it all up...
- Do girls say their going to the bathroom and come back 30 min later with wing sauce around their mouth
- Do you go to spring dance for the sole reason of the free Rita's
- At the end of lunch, everyone puts their finger on their nose
- Do you spend your first weekend in March singing, dancing, exercising, and marching, and you LOVE it
- Usually a party follows this, but you don't remember it the next day anyways
- Are name tags constantly "on order"
- You are yelled at for sunbathing outside
- Is there a midget door for storage
- Every other person owns a North Face backpack
- There is a little more than half of your student body mysteriously very tan year round
- Does your school store sell ribbons, flip-flops, and purses (ONLY if they have something beach related on them)
- Do teachers let you leave class to eat, because you "forgot breakfast" that morning
- Is half your tuition spent on laptop lockers for the entire sophomore and freshman class.....and about a total of 10 freshmen uses them
- Do girls go weeks and weeks without shaving, just for the hell of it
- Is an after school snack 8 pieces of pizza and 9 brownies
- Is it cool to wear saddles to school dances as a senior
- Is it completely normal and acceptable to eat anything and everything off of the floor regardless of the "5 second rule"
- Do girls have food as their background on their laptop
- An after school meeting only has attendees if AND ONLY IF there is food there
- Is there a "regular" bathroom, and a "bulimic" bathroom
- Do you think of an Italian as something that you could by at a store
student: "Ms. B, can i go to the bathroom?"
Ms. B: "Sure, but weturn quwickwy."
15 minutes later...
student returns from "the bathroom" with Oreo crumbs all over the front of her dress and ice cream in the corners of her mouth
โฆenough said
434๐ 216๐
1.The only school where you can literally go anywhere in the world, shout the words "Yeah Prep!" and someone will turn around and return the favor.
2.The only prep school that doesn't have to argue that it is the "real" prep by posting online or making shirts(Malvern), because, quite simply, if you say "The Prep," no one thinks of Malvern, Devon, etc., etc.
-Did you go to the Prep?
-No, Lasalle.
-(Receives swift kick to the crotch and prompt beating)
553๐ 287๐
Between the prep schools of the Philadelphia area...Devon should be considered the underdog. Devon guys arent as rich as Malvern guys or as sports-oriented as the Prep (St. Joe's) but they excell where the others fail. While the others take themselves too seriously, a Devon guy will make you smile by doing the goofiest thing you've ever seen. They're not stuck up and really down to earth, totally approachable and friendly to the core. Generalization is impossible at Devon, as each person is an individual, a motley crew that may be shunned by jocks but has anyone ever seen Animal House? Who won? Roll Tide
the Devon Tide, as in sports team, yes they do have a sports team and yes they do beat Malvern frequently, sorry we don't have a hockey team though...
77๐ 33๐
A party school, and the wasted ones at parties. They honestly throw the littlest parties especially Halloween ones, and the ones in the woods. Other schools like Molloy, Holy Cross, and McClancy take advantage of the hoe and thot population. Honestly no one does shit in this school, and just juuls during class. Everyone hates Holy Cross here
Prep ppl: โ Ayyy I got invited to a Saint Francis Prep party in the woodsโ
Molloy ppl: โ lucky bitchโ
Girl ppl: โI know Iโm gonna get so high and drunkโ
17๐ 5๐
The best school BY FAR in Jersey. Educating men to be a man FOR and With Others. And also providing great atheletes in many sports and destroying Hudson Catholic in every sport possible.
282๐ 160๐