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art rod

A real bad ass mf that will convince you to do anything from joining the military to washing his car. He also loves arroz con pollo and a 2.2 million dollar apartment in peon tech. he loves his family and will typically have 1-2 unemployed sons throughout most of his life.

Brandon- hey have you seen art rod lately?
Brenda- nah but he is probably eating steak rn

by Roberto Hylburn November 22, 2021

too much rod, not enough cod

The situation is a total sausage fest, too many men, not enough women.

This party blows man, too much rod, not enough cod

by WhyDoISayThings July 7, 2021

1👍 1👎

ground rod

A boring lifeless person who sucks the energy out of everyone around him or her.

Q: Yo, whats up with you and shorty?

A: I had to dead her, she makes everyone around her miserable? She's a ground rod!

by anonymouschickk April 1, 2011

uranium fuel rods

something you should it

ur mom: I GOT SOME URANIUM FUEL RODS!!!!!11!!!

by i eat uranium fuel rods July 28, 2022

Rod Blending

Rod Blending is when a person puts their penis into a blender.

Gus: Dave...I can't do this anymore, I just saw someone Rod Blending...
Dave: Sounds kinda tasty ngl.

by peegobbler420 March 11, 2021

measuring rod

Einstein was known for his thought experiments with measuring rods when explaining relativity.

1 - A tool used to physically measure lengths and survey areas of various sizes.
2 - Einstein's dick.

"The rigid measuring rod is thus shorter when in motion than when at rest, and the more quickly it is moving, the shorter is the rod."

"And how big is your new TV Herr Einstein?
About 4 and half measuring rods."

by FriendlyHacker July 10, 2015


An affirmation similar to “yeah”, that can and should be used in any circumstance.
Likely coming from “roger”, but New Jersey-ified.

Person 1: Ayo we’re doing some yoga today.
Person 2: Rod-jo!

by merlilica December 19, 2021