A child from the age of 8-12, the annoying age of harassment and dramatic temper tantrums. All they do is eat and try and be the center of attention. They are always out of pocket. They are in the same era as “sticky ipad kids”
You: “Can I have some of your crossiant ___?”
Middle aged child: *shoves entire crossiant in mouth*
You: “Hey would you get off your ipad?”
Middle aged child: *screams* or flat out ignores you
Refers to da "shout-out" phone call dat you make to one or more local homes/businesses during a power-outage, to ask if they are without electricity, also ("Are you folks in da Dark Ages, as well?"); this allows you to reliably determine if it is indeed a widespread outage, rather than it's being "just you" (i.e., where you would need to check your home's wiring/fuse-box for unseen faulty connections).
During an unexpected power-outage, most folks will likely be at least marginally patient/understanding if you want to check wif dem about whether their electricity is off, as well, but you should still consider carefully before making said call --- usually you will want to do so only if da current weather is fairly "calm 'n' balmy" and therefore a utilities-outage would not be expected. It is generally understood dat service-wires might be downed if there is heavy snow/wind, and so in these cases your "dark ages"-inquiry phone call might be viewed as somewhat of an unnecessary/frivolous interruption, especially since those other folks will themselves probably be experiencing moderate difficulties/concerns regarding said hiccup in da flow of "angry pixies", and so at da time they may be feverishly scrambling to "batten down da hatches" while waiting for da power to come back on again. Good luck trying to call anyone, though, since nowadays da phone and electricity are no longer such "entirely separate circuits" as they used to be, and so unless it's an extremely small and "localized" outage, your home-phone service will likely be out, also, if da electricity is off. Dat's an instance where mobile phones can be an alternative means of communication, since most cellular-towers have their own "dedicated" power-source dat will remain active even if da "regular" electricity is off.
When two or more people have a year age gap but for a brief to a long while both parties are the technically the same age as each other.
“My gf is a year older than me right now, however soon when my birthday comes I’ll be technically the same age as her. Meaning we’ll both have an age overlap.”
Team New Age is a gaming Organisation Founded In June 2020 In New York City By 3 Men, Aaron Kirsh (CEO), Shin (CTO), And Joaquin (CFO).
The Team has a vast content creation team, including Paola, Fakeify, MiniMiner and KothCap (Only Naming a Few!!)
In September 2020, Team New Age had made their biggest moves yet. They had signed Professional Fortnite Players Reverse2k, Deyy, Mero and Till. In this same month, They had also obtained a '0 Ping' Mansion!
More Competitive players include World Cup Qualifier Legedien, Narwhal, OliverOG and Slick.
I cannot wait until the future for this team. I originally found this team when MiniMiner Joined and i have been grinding ever since.
TNA EmeraldZ one day? we'll see 👀
Team New Age, The best team in the world
Have you heard of Team New Age?
Typically for people who are loners and/or don't have much of a social life. This is the phenomena that causes them to falsely think that everyone they see whom they would want to associate with is their peers, or even in their age group. For example a middle age man looking at a young woman in her early twenties in college AND wondering if she'll "dig" him. He may be suffering from a case of Age Lag
My Hermit uncle is blushing at his nieces friend, I think he might have a case of Age Lag
Dragon Age 1 is about racism. The sub plot revolves the oppression of the elves by the humans.
Dragon Age 2 is about colonialism and religious zealotry. Kirkwall takes in the Qunari leader and he tries to take over the country because the fact that they don't adhere to the Qun disgusts him.
Dragon Age 3 is about class warfare. The conflict between the overclass (The Templars) and the underclass (The Mages)
Hym "Dragon Age is ALWAYS political. I don't know what Dragon Age 4 is about but I don't know why you would buy a game that is always political and then expect the points of contention of out modern politic to be absent from the game."
When you are one a discord server and your metaphorical age is changed.
Bethany is older than me, her discord age is now 5 she has to deal with it