When you don’t know where you are
You: why am i here
Friend: IDK
The theme song of Shadow the Hedgehog and the best Crush 40 song tied with Open Your Heart.
FBI_Weegee: I am all of me, best Crush 40 song hands down.
Synergetic: No. Open Your Heart is.
FBI_Weegee: Call it even?
Synergetic: K.
When your anger is so insane .... it's like a pile of bullshit
I am bullshit mad right now... my friend, Justine, is a complete bitch
Basically the most spoiled line in cinema history.
Star Wars fan: Luke, I am your father.
Non-Star Wars fan: Dammit! You just spoiled the whole movie for me!
I am an asshole. I can admit it there is no hiding it. It’s just what I am.
I am a douche bag.
Once a nigga takes a shit at 4:00 AM, every shit after that is considered a 4:00 AM shit, no matter the time.
Conner: Brb gotta go take a shit.
Me: Dang bro why you takin another 4:00 am shit you fat ass shirt nigga.
As first seen in the official Pokemon youtube channel were Kensaku Nabana draws pokemon from memory very fast. Can be used to explain any situation.
P1: That was fast!
P2: Well, I am a pokemon designer.
Prof. Oak: Are you a boy or a girl?
P: I am a pokemon designer.