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Burger King Blowjob

A dance move where you play an imaginary game of Banjo-Kazooie

Woman 1: Hank is so hot, look he's doing the Burger King Blowjob.
Woman 2: Yeah he is way better than Kaz.

by Amy McGrath November 16, 2020

Darksouls Themed blowjob

When a woman lights a man's dick on fire and puts it out with her mouth

Bro, I got a Darksouls themed blowjob last night!

by DICKBALS March 27, 2023

26👍 7👎

razor blade blowjob

The rare term in an ER only.
Of how a young man usually between the ages of 16 to 27 will come in with damaged tissue on his penis. For the very specific reason of his girlfriend with braces. damaging his penis tissue, foreskin, ECT with a very poorly executed blowjob.

Very true this happens.
I have had 8 cases in my entire career in emergency care.
But funniest was when a young man about 17 comes in and he has a hoodie tied around his waist and a girlfriend who will not speak following behind closely.
So I ask like every doctor ever " what's wrong ?" He says he will only tell me in private and his girlfriend has to come too. So I agree and take them to a private room.
He begins to explain that he was hanging out for a movie night while the girls parents were out to dinner, and that she wanted to be sexy for him, so she pulled down his pants and began to preform Palacio on him until pleasure turned to horrible pain. Then he showed me.
He said "looks like a razor blade blowjob" all I could do is help ease his pain and check him over to look for major damage and I asked if he was circumcised. He said "no"and I said "you are now." I turn to the girlfriend and ask if she had anything to show me. I grab a pan and she spits out the remaining tissue of what foreskin she had shredded when giving the blowjob.
The boyfriend looks in the pan and faints.

So I call all the parents and it was like watching comedy show. The parents of the girl looked like something out of doctor sues and the boys parents walk in to the ER dressed like a pimp and a hooker. But before the boy left he asked me one question that haunts me and makes me bust out laughing to this day. And I quote.
"Does this make me Jewish now?"

by Dr. Francisco baker December 31, 2018

No hands wave blowjob

While performing a blowjob, the person, without using their hands, uses their tongue to make waves on the lower (sensitive) side of the penis (s. dick), keeping the penis in their mouth for the entire time until the collected saliva, pre-cum loaded waves come out of their mouth.

Unlike many other blowjob types this type of blowjob is suitable for ANY size of dick, but preferably which would roughly fit in the mouth.

It is a highly skilled type of blowjob which requires a mastery on tongue muscles as well as gag reflex time. The wave movement also helps to direct the flow of pre-cum/ cum.

Emily got cut on her hands while cutting vegetables yesterday, so she decided to treat me with the No hands wave blowjob. It was good change for my little dick.

Riya gave me the No hands wave blowjob yesterday, as she had freshly applied mehndi on her hands.

by Pandu Pandey April 19, 2022

Star Spangled Blowjob

Someone giving you head while wearing a Captain America costume. With either The patriot, Saving Private Ryan or Talladega Nights playing in the background on the TV.

John: Bro Jessica gave me a Star Spangled Blowjob last night

Jack: Really? Was the suit to tight?

by O;UGBK.BHU.N April 18, 2022

National Blowjob Day

December 9th is when every woman has to give her man a blowjob, no strings attached

I can’t wait until national blowjob day on december 9th

by BigFatJoe1585 December 9, 2019

West Virginia Blowjob

When you hang your inbred child or children from your beaver lips, therefore making them appear as hoop loops or saggy diaper ass.

I was getting a West Virginia Blowjob at the unemployment office when all of a sudden my children's father came in.

by dont give a fuck about you August 29, 2017