when a boi walks by a girl with big boobs he say: "damn look at that girl she got stine boobs"
When one shames a woman for having large breasts. (Regardless of what she wears)
"What a rack! Show some more"
"Cover up you look like a whore!"
She didn't understand why they were boob-shaming her.
When your motor boating her tittys and you press Em together.
I was motor boating them tittys when they started flopping all over the place so I had to initiate boob control.
When a females breasts are covered in cum, when thay start getting sticky people refer to this as glue boobs glue tits.
Jenna: omg I have glue boobs from last night.
When a guy stands a reasonable distance away, facing you, and lobs ping pong balls at your cleavage. If they go in, you drink, and if he misses, he drinks.
Zack and tittsmcgee were playing boob pong last night and tittsmcgee got shit-faced because there was no chance of him missing her huge rack!
When a girl has massive breasts and they’re in your face like a canyon
Holy sh*t look at the shirt she’s wearing right now…boob canyon
When you lose weight, and your boobs shrink, but you are to cheap to buy new bras so there is a gap. The extra space is filled with the ghost of your former boob.
Boyfriend (touches boob)- What? There's nothing in there.
Girl- Yeah, I know, the bra is too big. It's just my phantom boob now.