A word used by gamers who are probably on twitch or youtube shorts every day and are on a 3000 day streak of being virgin. He lives with his mom or boyfriend and dosn’t pay bills.
Dude quit being a bot, you suck more than I do!
a person who speaks about (any impossibly dumb subject) where there needn't be said (said subject)
"oh hey this guy only talks about elections and violently ignores every argument thrown at them"
"yeah we call those bots"
Someone who is bad at Fortnite and has no followers on xbox
Oi parroll is such a bot!
Yeah I know why put oce in your name haha
A person who doesn't know what the actual fuck is going on and lacks the basic knowledge of movement, tactics and aim. Often part of the PC master race.
Someone: "That kid Gustav sure is one hell of a bot"
Someone else: "Tell me about it, gets clapped on the daily but console players and mobile even"
Someone (again): "He's just as bad as his twin sister Sidd, I almost feel bad for them.... almost"
Basically a kid named Steven. But is pretty OK when hes getting insulted for being short
An annoying robot, trying to buy into your personal information, scam you, or just annoy you.
John: "Dude, this bot keeps tagging me in a free amazon gift card scam.
Colby: "You sure it's not a scam?"
Max: "Of course it is, dumbass."
Derogatory slang for someone who presents mentally deficient qualities in action and/or thought, much in vain to the likes of "retard", "dumbass" or "idiot".
Bill: "Man, I walked past this one sped kid in the hallway and he started chanting random shit and flapped his arm at me."
Nicholas: "Heh, he's such a bot."