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big brother

1) A 'reality' TV show in the UK. Its basically a house full of CCTV Cameras. Many of the people who go on Big Brother are either gay, transexual or chavs.

2) The name given to the government in the book 1984, by George Orwell. 'BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING YOU'

1) "Seven thirty-five PM - the housemates are in the living room" wow, how exciting......not

2)"On each landing, opposite the lift-shaft, the poster with the enormous face gazed from the wall. It was one of those pictures which are so contrived that the eyes follow you about when you move. BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING YOU, the caption beneath it ran" ~ 1984 - George Orwell

by Z3L1)4 January 28, 2006

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warner brother

tell someone to lookout,

The next u see a police,warner brother!

by jb January 30, 2004

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Significant Brother

A committed partner in a long-term bromance.

Dirk: Hey, you wanna go to the bar tonight?

Lewis: Maybe but I'll have to check with my significant brother first.

by mommysdirtypillows October 20, 2009

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congenital brother

Congenital brother is a family member who aquired your DNA after kissing (or making out in any of its forms) an individual who has acquired you "amino acids" via oral sex.

Dany: welcome to the family, you're my new congenital brother
Stefan: ???
Dany: that skank you hooked up with was carrying a mouthful of my genetic code

by bergali September 21, 2010

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big brothering

The action of monitoring/spying someone in order to retrieve informations about him/her (i.e. About your tastes; see targeted ads; how often you use PC, etc...).
You'll usually see big brothering in computer science domain or even IRL like videos camera which prevents people from stealing, etc...

Microsoft is big brothering me with its spywares.

GATOR/Claria big brothered the users of its softwares.

Chinese governement big brothers their Internet users to prevent them from talking about them or about something against their principles.

Illuminatis wanna take control of the World by brothering anyone pretexting it'll struggle against crimes, terrorism.

by Renjida March 21, 2008

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brother james

Guys i uploaded a pic...showin this pimp in GOA! Check it out! and as for what i gotta say...JAMES!!!!! ur a mommafucka! sunday college mahn? are u fuckin outta ur fuckin head? why dontcha do find somthin better to do like gettin a friggin abortion??? Coz really u fucker...wajja think...u cud hav a cross between a dogg and a whatever u are, as a fuckin pet??? ill tell u the fuckin result...ull hav a barkin sonofabitch fuckin all the coke bottles fallen around the campus! Oh and as for tht vice-fuckin-princy! ask him to go take some spoken english classes coz the mofo wudnt kno the fuckin diff between a prayer and a fuckin christmas carol!

Mahn...this is a warnin for all those who wanna join this shit hole! All u get here is a big fat bitch called Shakuntala (calls herself Shakalaka ??? ) whose only purpose here is to give all the princys, vice-princys, and their mutts a good long blow before they sleep...COZ SHE SURE AS HELL DONNO NO BOTANY!!!!!!!!!!!

by Da Moneymahn! December 3, 2004

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Little Brother

Male sexual organ

My little brother cant wait to get laid

by DecentHeatSeeker May 8, 2012

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