Source Code

Scope Creeper

Person who introduces scope to the project without first considering the impacts to the team.

Team Member 1: Johnny keeps adding changes to the app and now we have sooo many things to validate.

Team Member 2: Wow what a scope creeper.

by betterthanatrademark February 9, 2021

The creeper's formula

= (Man's age) + 14 - 2 * (Woman's age) is the creepers formula. It calculates the number of years a creep has to wait before a woman is within the socially acceptable age range to date, according to the "Half Plus Seven" rule.

Ordinarily say if a man is 36, the woman has to be at least "Half Plus Seven", meaning 25. That's fine, but what if the man is a 36 year old creeper and he meets a 20 year old he wants to date. He can't. He has to wait a certain number of years until she's within the "Half Plus Seven" range.

That's when you use the above formula.

So if the guy is 36, first you add 14. That gives you 50. Next you subtract twice her age (40) and subtract that from 50, you get i10. That means he have to wait 10 years.

Let's test this out.

The 36 year old creep, in 10 years will be 46
The 20 year old girl, in 10 years will be 30.

Validating with the Half Plus Seven rule: Half of 46 is 23, plus 7 is 30. Voila!

Alice: I'm only 20. You're 36. I'm too young for you.
Bob: Well, according to the creeper's formula we can date in ten years.
Alice: bet

by artist6000 December 19, 2024

Cheaper to be a creeper!

So many beutiful ladies out tonight. Sometimes it’s cheaper to be a creeper!

Damn did you see those sheila’s? Yes, but it’s cheaper to be a creeper!

by Taxman6969 September 10, 2020

beat creeper

beat creeper i.e; someone who steals beats from a producer for their own use.

Damn did you hear that new track by "G*****"?

Oh you mean that low class beat creeper who takes credit for beats that aren't his own?

by bdubzy February 18, 2012

creeper strike

The BEST Youtuber on the planet but has gone missing since August 30th, 2015. If you know of this man report him to us.

"Hello everybody creeper strike is back "

by Creeper strike's friend October 31, 2019


When you catch someone creeping on their ex's new girlfriend on Facebook, or if they just look wierd

That homeless man on the corner is very creeper-esque

by Areasons March 20, 2011

Huggy the Creeper

the name given to any creeper in Minecraft that doesn`t explode when the player is within blow up distance. (probably a glitch)

Called this because you can get really close to the creeper as if you`re going to hug it.

AKA: Huggy, a huggy, Huggie, Hugs

On the server last night i ran into a huggy, it was so cool because he didn`t explode!

I gave Huggy the Creeper a house of his own with a sign out front that says "Free Hugs"!

by blu3hat May 26, 2011