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That one nigga

That nigga cringe

by That cringe nigga November 28, 2019



Can't wait to see cringe today

by yyyoooouuurrr mmmoooommm May 31, 2017


Jake Paul "It's everyday bro" music video.

cringeDisney ChannelYouTubeBlegh

by SkiiMask_WSC January 10, 2018


Someone doing something that pains all your senses. Eyes, ears, nose, right and wrong.

Like a shirtless guy with lip fillers in a pool singing Christian pop.

This instadude campayne5 is cringe unhinged.

by jamesblond66 June 23, 2024


adj. 2018 Youtube Rewind Video

The cringe is finally over; Jake Paul was a pain in the ass.

by Iloveicicles December 11, 2018


The opposite of "based" or "redpilled" or "chad", synonym of "gay" and "retarded" and "virgin".

Virgin: have you consoomed the new cape shit hero 7: return of villain man bad

Chad: no. that is cringe. fuck you retard.

by StanTheAngryGoyim April 29, 2020


Verb: as a ver cringe is the act of feeling highly uncomfortable to the point of looking like this emoji 😬

Adjective: as an adjective cringe means when something could make you cringe

Adjective: Example: "It was so cringe when she thought her dad was her boyfriend and she tried to kiss him on the lips. "

Verb: Example: "that was so horrible! I cringed when I saw it."

by Qpworituy September 17, 2021