Jake Paul "It's everyday bro" music video.
cringeDisney ChannelYouTubeBlegh
Someone doing something that pains all your senses. Eyes, ears, nose, right and wrong.
Like a shirtless guy with lip fillers in a pool singing Christian pop.
This instadude campayne5 is cringe unhinged.
adj. 2018 Youtube Rewind Video
The cringe is finally over; Jake Paul was a pain in the ass.
The opposite of "based" or "redpilled" or "chad", synonym of "gay" and "retarded" and "virgin".
Virgin: have you consoomed the new cape shit hero 7: return of villain man bad
Chad: no. that is cringe. fuck you retard.
Verb: as a ver cringe is the act of feeling highly uncomfortable to the point of looking like this emoji 😬
Adjective: as an adjective cringe means when something could make you cringe
Adjective: Example: "It was so cringe when she thought her dad was her boyfriend and she tried to kiss him on the lips. "
Verb: Example: "that was so horrible! I cringed when I saw it."