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Digital Vikings

The Best GTA:O Mod Service You Can Get

Ibraham: Have you heard about the Digital Vikings

Isak: No tell me more
Ibraham: The Digital Vikings is a free money dropper service for GTA:O

by myanusishard August 30, 2017

digital vikings

Sercret service of free money in GTA:O

The Digital Vikings are the best money dropper

by myanusishard August 29, 2017

digital altering

The act of wasting State of the art technology to touch up the voices of singers or even instruments in music. The process is fairly efficient usually unless the singer totally sucks, resulting in techy, unaturally smooth voices that emanate a strange, humming sound. if you pay attention, it sometimes becomes very obvious. It is usually noticeable in songs where the singers aren't drowned out by electric guitars. It is not as frowned upon as lip-synching, but some fans dislike it. It is choppier in live music because the Mic. is the only thing correcting the tone.

Hilary Duff is singing better than normal!

Don't get too exited, Nasa just took charge of digital altering her voice, that's all.

by Broadcasting to you from a geisha house August 13, 2006

double digit growth

When they can't give good news, just say "Double Digit Growth"

We're in double digit growth this year

by entertainer1234 January 20, 2022


Used to describe an individual that possesses weird characteristics, for example crystal girls.

“Them rock gyal are digital blud” - Yung Filly

by jackknowsbest January 8, 2022


basically anything cool

username1234: want to chat?
usrename1234: sure, as long as its digital
usrename1234: starts call
username1234: why did you say that out loud?
usrename1234: wait how were you talking to me before?
username1234: uh, my mom needs me to take out the trash, bye. hangs up
usrename1234: dude, he said he hung up

by poOphAhafUnNy July 16, 2020


Someone who's moving a bit technical like a little bit witty and cunning.

Nah eren broski you are moving a bit DIGITAL with emily you pussio

by moving digital March 12, 2022