Source Code

The Foot In The Door

Where you extend your big toe and tap upon the girls anus (as if to knock). The girl then spreads her ass cheeks and you proceed to stick your entire foot in the girls anal canal while singing the Doors classic tune Break On Through. Must be done on the first date to essentially just "get your foot in the door"


Steven: So why do you wish to work here at Rubys?

Ralph: I've always wanted to work for in a restaurant now I'm just trying to get my foot in the door.

Steven: O.O

Lee: How'd the first date go?
Dan: I got The Foot In The Door
Lee: *High Five*
Dan: What happened to your thumb?
Lee: lol

by crazyfreakoman October 31, 2010

3πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

Katie bar the door

battin' down the hatches, the rain is a comin', the fat lady has sung, it's over, peace out, we're screwed

Holy shit! The rain is not going to let up anytime soon! Katie bar the door!

by minnyindy November 27, 2011

44πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž



I ain't goin to school today I got the back-door-trots.

by Blake November 12, 2002

12πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Door Number 2

Basically, the same thing as the poop chute, butthole, anus, or whatever flavor-of-the-week saying you have where you excrete feces.

Dude, that chick definitely wanted me to put it in door number 2.

by J. Saynt April 16, 2009

19πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

girl next door

Well, I mean there's those girls who are just "Hollywood" types. They're all dolled up and sure they may look great on TV/movies, but they need make up to do so. Then there's the girl next door whose beauty is understated, and doesn't need all the makeup, cameras, and bright lights to look pretty. She's just pretty without all of that.

She doesn't have to try to catch my eye. She's like the girl next door.

by nire72 September 25, 2011

734πŸ‘ 251πŸ‘Ž

Knocking at the back door

When someone with a hard on grinds it against your ass while dancing, cuddling, spooning, or just standing behind you.

Tanya loved spooning but hated when her boyfriend used it as an excuse to go knocking at the back door all night.

β€œThat guy at the bar was cute but he was knocking at the back door all night on the dance floor and that’s why I didn’t go home with him. Why bring someone home if you know he’s just packing half a roll of Life Savers in his pants?”

by Brett Burkhardt April 27, 2008

29πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

trap door shit

A violent shit best described as simulating the act the free-fall that is possible should one kick open a "trap door" and fall through - a "trap door shit" is when a defecator victoriously evacuates with JUST enough time before shitting oneself - that unrelenting shit being of flood force when released - kicking out as if it was free falling through a "trap door." Often, but not always triggered by diarrhea.

"It was a real race to the toilet - I was fighting hard to hold in a trap door shit that was screaming and threatening to run down my leg."

by Aspirin Ott January 6, 2006

45πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž