When you eat bread crumbs from the inside of a vagina
I went down on my girlfriend she had some bread crumbs so we just did a crusty dot
spherical shapes surrounding in a pattern of some kind. the geometric figure really does have a popping appearance to the naked eye, continueing to stare at the magnificent pattern.
yah, you seem dem polkie dotz on those socks ovah there!.
aww yeah! i likea da polkie dotz!
When someone starts typing a reply and then nothing happens...
I texted him I liked him and then he went all dot n dash on me!
When someone in a group just isn't liked, and everyone tells them to "Go Shag Dot" when he/she speaks.
Girl (who is liked); Hey, do you all want to come to my house?
Group; Yeah, sure
Boy (who isn't liked); Then we can stay at my house?
Group; Go Shag Dot!
The butthole equivalent of a "Nip Slip"
A-lister has a dot spot on the beach scaring many small children who saw her stink wrinkle.
it means that a woman is on her period
“hey girl”
on the phone: “hey have you got your period yet mine is late”
“yeah i am on my dot i started today”
When your on the gear and your cock shrivels up but you still whip it out for your fourth root that night.
Im four days deep now i got dot cock lad.