Subliminally expressing dislike, discomfort, & or disappointment towards a person or an issue while concealing the true intent of the expression
(I.e.) "I don't know why she would wear something like that, I'm not "dry shading" but I wouldn't be caught dead in that; but it looks good on her though".
To unintentionally tell on someone; without knowing.
To inadvertently devulde information about something or someone;
To make known or expose what should have been concealed;
To tell on one's self
I told Mitch last night he always be dry-snitchin when he gets fucked up.
Being wet in a conversation is to keep it going and no short responses. And being dry is a one to three word responses or either lagging to respond or not responding at all.
Dylan:So how’s your day going so far?
Bella:Good ig hbu
Dylan:My days good
Dylan: Be wet not dry.
"dude, ethan's such a dry fuckboy. like he flirts with every girl but none of them like him."
The act of metaphorically pissing oneself
The guy was standing there dry-pissing himself because he was scared like a little bitch
A wet Willy without the wet. A dry Robert.
I’m going to give you a dry Robert.
Someone who picks out their clothes from the dryer machine because they refuse to fold them.
*Friend 1 opens dryer and looks for clothes*
Friend 2: Why don't you just fold your laundry?
Friend 1: Because this is just easier to find the clothes I want.
Friend 2: You're such a dry picker, just fold them!