A dusty stromer is when one performs oral sex on an old woman using one long, continuous tongue stroke from the top of the anus all the way to the top of the clitoral hood & back.
Timmy met Agnes at bingo, they hit it off, went back to her nursing home and he gave her the ol' dusty stromer. Said his tongue picked up everything in a 12" radius, he's still washing his mouth out.
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The act of having intercourse with a woman 60 or older that hasn’t had sex in at least 5 years while using feces as lubrication
Dude, last week I was with Brandon’s grandma Sharon, and she pulled me into her room and told me to give her a dusty mudslide
the act of fisting a woman with a dry or old vagina.
Dude last night i dusty cuffed your grandma
When an octogenarian or septuagenarian discusses what it's like to have intercourse after several years of involuntary abstinence due to the inability to find a suitable partner, a heart condition, other nondescript but impactful medical condition.
Charlene and I went back to my room after bridge, I sewed her up real good even though it has been a while with the dusty needle.
When baby powder is placed in a partner's ass crack (as if powdering a baby during diapering), and a man gets behind the 1st partner.
The 1st partner then facts onto the man's penis, covering it with a puff of powder, or a "dusting".
Iafter the cattle rustlin' we were all a bit moist sown under, so we asked our women-folk to give us all some dusty dickins.