Source Code

Amen the Lord

Basically means that the Lord was definitely in that situation. Amen just doesn't sound complete without the Lord. =

Amen the Lord! He just worked that out for you!

by ashley marie oh yea thats me May 1, 2008

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lord of the rings

lord of the rings makes me a total girl-dork for secretly being in love with.

i love the lord of the rings and i want to have sex with aragorn in lorien

by cashlyn July 17, 2006

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Lord of The Scrubs

(Noun) Similar to the term "Scrub Lord" (scrublord) it is used to:

1. Express someones failure in gaming.

2. Nickname a bad gamer.

1. "You my friend, are the Lord of The Scrubs"

2. "How's the Lord of The Scrubs doing?"

by Bobiscool December 12, 2014

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Lord Lucan

The 7th Earl of Lucan, who disappeared in November 1974 after leaving the nanny of his children dead in a sack, and his wife brutalised. Although it is unclear what became of him after the warrant for his arrest was issued, many people claim to have seen him around the world since, and the British Tabloids will occasionly run a story on someone who may be him.

Full story at LordLucan.com

He has been missing long enough for his peerage to be given to his son.

I saw Lord Lucan on my trip to New York.

by Gumba Gumba March 3, 2004

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Edge lord

Is basically a sophisticated and hardcore emo who is obsessed with black and chains, and always saying that they want to die so the can go to hell where they can be happier. They also wear black nail polish, and really dramatic eyeshadow and eyeliner (for all genders)

โ€œWow your sister is such an emo!โ€

โ€œNo u twat she is an edge lord!โ€

by Spooky_sissssss October 9, 2019

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Lords of Colic

Former name of organization now know as the Suburban Mercenaries.

The Lords of Colic changed their name to the Suburban Mercenaries.

by The Admiral July 2, 2003

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fate lords

an amazing online game

fate lords rox

by ned schneebly May 6, 2004

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