Source Code

The Last Name Challenge

Going to a porn site and typing your last name in the search bar, results may vary.

Zack: I did the last name challenge yesterday, thank god I found nothing!

by JustAnotherSickFuckOnUrbanDic June 26, 2021

Big Name Lads

A term used to identify the better known, popular lads in a crew. Such people are frequently referred to as 'legends'.

Barry, what a legend - he's a big name lad.

Who else is coming? Any more big name lads?

by dfhrgjedg February 22, 2009

Brooklyn’s full name

Brooklyn Taylor Coca-Cola Pepsi Sherlock Loki Thomas Holmes Nanette de Douglestrauff Anderson Cockroach.

This is the full name of a Russian spy disguised as an an American teenager. She always wears sunglasses and loves when people steal them, and be warned; Brooklyn will karate chop your face if you surprise her.

Brooklyn’s full name is really long.

by STWEAM cult member July 8, 2018

a better name than that

A Better Name Than That or ABNTT is a team in the youtube show BFB with contestants : Tennis Ball, Blocky, TV, Grassy ,Robot Flower, Basket Ball, Golf Ball and 8 Ball. The team name is a mistake when golf ball said our team must have a better name than that.

a better name than that is my favourite team in bfb

by Silken Healer October 26, 2019

Name Ninja-ing

The act of asking how to spell one's name, when, in reality, you forgot their name.

Luke: "Hey Sarah! Whats up?"
Me: "Hey man! Not much, oh dude, I accidentally deleted you off my phone. Can you re-add your contact?"
Third person: Dude! You rock at Name Ninja-ing."

by etuue June 19, 2010

Ayaan(girl name)

Ayaan is usually a light skinned girl often from a somali descent. Some Ayaan's may be spelt with 2 a's but this one is very special. She is like no other girl you'll ever meet. Trust her and love her for who she really is. She is often intelligent and loving around others. Brown shining eyes, luscious lips, and the prettiest curve on her body...her smile. Who could ask for more?

Boy 1: Who is that girl?
Boy 2: No idea but she looks like an Ayaan(girl name)
Boy 1: Move it she's mine!
Boy 2:Hell no, imma put that ring on her finger before you!

Both rush to her

by crazyassbitchisaid May 30, 2013

55👍 10👎

Hunter (as a girls name)

Hunter as a girls name:
Shes very flirty, usually brown hair and brown eyes. When you look into her gorgeous brown eyes you can see a daring exciting look that craves adventure. When she looks at you its like she can see right through you, like she knows everything your thinking and the world just stops. Hunter is usually artistic and isn't afraid of getting dirty. She likes to live life on the edge. Hates drama and wants to stay as far away from it as possible. Takes one day at a time; doesn't worry over things she has no control over. Hunter also has feelings just like any other person expect shes not like any other person. When she opens up to you its amazing. Loves adventure and just wants to have fun! Because you only live one life and she wants to live it right. Shes probably made some big mistakes in the past and probably hates herself for what she did, but the mistakes that she has made in the past isn't who she is, its the part she chooses to act on and she acts on it right by learning from her mistakes and making sure it won't happen again. She probably has some big plans for her life one day in the future and won't stop until there achieved no matter how hard it is. Don't let her go without a fight because she is probably one of the greatest most craziest people you'll ever meet, all the best people are. Hunter is an adventure and you have to step in with both feet even though you don't know what might happen you just have to or else you'll regret it later.

Hunter (as a girls name) craves adventure and will usually be sexual with you if you let her.

by MackGogh January 31, 2016

31👍 4👎