A microscopic wave, mathematically impossible microscopic wave
A micro wave is small
New wave is a new era of tranquility,peace of mind, maturity and peaceful process. Must be a Space X/Amazon worker.
Lets to to Lassen Volcanic park?
Why exacly?
"New Wave"
New wave is a litterl statement as to a wave being new to society and tranquility. You have to be a Space X employee to be on the New Wave like Pri.
Lets go to Lassen Volcano?
"New Wave"
A great music genre. Most common genre of Rock music between 1978-1985
“Now on MTV, some more new wave content with Kajagoogoo, and ‘Too Shy’”
Comfort Waves are emitted by men while they are doing something they enjoy, especially around the house, or are generally comfortable. If you're enjoying the lazy Saturday afternoon, you're emitting Comfort Waves. Browsing the internet for no good reason? Yes, you're emitting Comfort Waves!
Only mothers, wives, and girlfriends perceive Comfort Waves. These waves are very annoying to women; they sound like a high-pitched buzzing. Wives will try anything to get these Comfort Waves to stop! Common tactics include: honey-do lists, dinner with the in-laws, window shopping, "just talking".
Womens' ability to perceive comfort waves is diminished if they've recently consumed: wine, chocolate, cake, ice cream.
A proper man-cave blocks Comfort Waves.
Jim: Last Sunday I was watching the Big Game, and as soon as I opened my beer, my wife comes up with this long list of things to do!
John: Gotta watch out for those Comfort Waves!
An anal wave is a fart. Passing gas.
Oh! I ate a big plate of beans. I feel an anal wave coming on.
a hand wave given commonly in rural areas between two people, often strangers to acknowledge friendliness. Usually a raised arm and a quick and short movement of the hand away from the body.
I saw Will last night and he gave me a/the country wave