verb: the act of being Charlie Sheen
Charlie Sheen: "I am bi-winning"
1). Taking the action of "Not Giving a FUCK" to levels once thought unreachable.
2). Straight shittin' on stupid, cunty reporters that ask you stupider, cuntier questions
3). To win here and to win there, concurrently.
I was bi-winning all OVER the fucking club last night, because that's how I roll.
The act of winning two things by a tiger-blooded, non-singing rock star from Mars.
You see that guy over there winning two things - bi-winning? Yeah, he's like an F-18
Winning in two or more areas of your life, at any given time. Or simply winning here and winning there.
Coined by Charlie Sheen in his recent interview. The interviewer asked him if he was bipolar and he replied: "I'm not bipolar, I'm bi-winning."
I just got a promotion and got laid in the same day! I'm really bi-winning right now.
Charlie Sheen's retort to being asked if he is bipolar. It means to be able to win/be awesome in more than one place simultaneously.
I'm bi-winning. I win here, I win there.
To win here and win there.
I'm not bipolar. I'm bi-winning!!!