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Asshole parking

To take up two parking spaces with one vehicle, where one would have sufficed.

Can you asshole park for me so that when I come back later I can fit my car next to yours.

by Kevin October 11, 2003

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parking karma

The availability of good parking as a direct result of the way one handles personal driving experiences.

Erin to Paul: "Sweet! front row again... You must have good parking karma."
Luke to Elayne: " You see that motherfucker cut-off that ambulance ?"
Elayne: " Yup! He just lost ALL his parking karma! "

by sunbl00d August 17, 2011

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South Park

A toxic show with an equally toxic fandom in which fans no longer watch the show for its content, but to ship characters and see whether their ship will sink or sail.

According to fan logic, every character is either secretly gay or bisexual, or at least sexually starved for the first character they interact with for 5 seconds in an episode. The boys are all also cute bishounen (especially Kyle, who is the most bishi of them all), and all the girls should be portrayed by Instagram models in a live action film. Also, god forbid you say Kyle and Heidi should not be together, as Kyle is so pure and incorruptible that he deserves Heidi who can also do no wrong (note my sarcasm). They β€œdeserve each other” for the sake of giving both characters a relationship and both are victims of Cartman’s abuse. Wendy is also a man-hating, straw feminist and complete trash, according to most Style (Stan and Kyle) fans, as she gets in the way of every fangirls gay fantasies. Oh, and Tweek and Craig were always totally gay for each other. It was never forced, and Kenny is a pansexual who low-key has the hots for Butters (who is secretly a trans gay person).

And if you ever disagree with the above headcanons and logic, then you are just a hater with too much sand in your vagina.

Note that most of these fans are obsessive INFP fangirls who love cosplay and secretly masturbate to erotic fan fiction about 10 year olds they have sexualized and β€œaged up” at their own convenience.

South Park is a toxic fandom that is like a cancer to the internet.

by LizaChumbalaya October 11, 2018

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Grant Park

Small town not even on the map of Illinois.
Very boring.
Also known as 'Gangsta's Paradise'

I went to Grant Park this weekend & slept the entire time.

by ILoveGrantPark91 January 3, 2011

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A Trailer park

Andrew lives in a t-park.

by Ape December 16, 2002

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Park & Ride

A large parking lot meant for carpooling. In the late afternoon or early evening you can find couples in the back seat of their cars fooling around! So, the next time you see a sign that says, "Park & Ride"..know that the ride is more fun!

I went to the Park & Ride with a hot guy to play...we got busted by the cops because we left the car running...

by MorningGlory73 January 26, 2009

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Hadrian park

Hadrian park is known for being hard as fuck with in combo with battle hill and have the boys in like Bailey storey,Jamie lamb,Dan savage and mostly the hardest ever Tyler rice

Omg Tyler rice is from Hadrian park he must be hard

by StoreyDog May 6, 2019

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