Source Code


Slang term for vagina originated in Toronto, Canada

Your shorties pokes smells like hotdog water

by \_{:)}_/ June 19, 2018


Secret code word for smoking while in smoking prohibited locations such as school, church, or Lisa's house.

"this sermon is BOGUS man, let's poke"
"The bitch is home, let's go poke out back."

by Oxycodiene July 11, 2008


To beat up and rob somebody.

“I poked his ass and came up with a new iPhone

by BakedNoBeans August 14, 2019




by Pokem November 7, 2019


To touch someone for a long a period of time

I poked him in the stomach

by Pokem November 7, 2019


It's a slang used in parts of America and the murder and drug capital of Canada (Winnipeg) and referred to being stabbed or dabbed

Hey man I don't care if you do that shit jus no rigs man I'll give you a poke

by Daoldjunkieondatconer May 10, 2019


When Arctic Foxes exist. Alternatively, when they actually try and pounce on something. Usually used with the slang term "Poker" in reference to Arctic Foxes.

1.) "Look! That Poker is poking!"

2.) "That Poker is about to poke!"

by AzureAzel September 16, 2019