It's either "Guys, I think murder is a crime" or "All people with IQ below 135 should be tortured and killed"
r/unpopularopinion is full of shit
it stands for rephrase/explain. its when you dont understand what the other person is saying.
Friend1: and then the party blew up a burrito pie!!
Friend2: ..............................r/e......
R-Kellyism is the practice of peeing on people.
R-Kellyism is the practice of peeing on people.
An irresistible guy with an outstanding six pack.
Those abs are so Glen R.
Orbitron but Orbit of the R
(orbit of the r) and you context say the do h auto b
When you go to any Asian country and only speak to people with heavy accents so you adopt their dialect
White Trash: Herro! How are-a You?
Actually Decent Person: Why the Hell are you talking like that
White Trash: Oh-a no-oo! I seem to have adopted R Speech!
Some idiot forgot the U while trying to roast you.
Now you have the chance to get him back by simply tiping No U.
10 yr old: r mom
You: No U