an institution for educating children. Until they are 18 and have a choice for a path to college
Ryder's children did not go to school at all
i hate going to school and i love zoom it better then going to school
the devils lair
you get up early in the morning just to go to a stuffy building with no windows and have stupid bullshit ranted to you all day to result in nothing but boredness, but oh wait, that bullshit you have to somehow memorize like your fucking einstein or something, and then you have to use that bullshit on a test, which if you fail, oh sucks for you your life is ruined and no retest! you have to pretend to be nice to all the bitches that are around you because if your mean then whoops they call your parents. as if all this shit isn't enough you gotta take home homework, which if you don't do you fail the fucking subject, as the teachers are total hypocrites and say shit thats supposed to be inspirational like oh don't worry theres no such thing as failing but then you get a fucking f on your essay and boo hoo your life is over.
so thanks teachers we now know that there actually is such thing as hell.
kid: wait, is that a jail
friend: no dumbass thats school
The one thing keeping NASA from sending people to Mars. We spend way to much money on school when we could use it with things that actually help our species.
Kid: I want to be the first man on Mars Dad!!!
Dad: Sorry son, your school work is more important and its not like the government cares about our survival.