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Bill Clinton

a man that everyone on the first page of this definition hates because he got oral in the oval. These people are what make this country a bunch of prudes who frown upon a woman showing anything but their hands and face (or the president enjoying pleasure from someone who's not a man....erm...Hilary Clinton...). I wonder why we elected him...not once but TWICE...yep...sounds like the worst president to me. Hell, Nixon wasnt that bad either. I quote Brantowan in this "known for nurturing a strong economy, steering clear of foreign entanglements"

please guys, shut up about immorality. Morality is overated

Clinton is better than you and all your little anti-clinton followers

by CorrodedBeing December 3, 2004

90๐Ÿ‘ 117๐Ÿ‘Ž

Kill Bill

What Hilary Clinto wabts to do to her husband

Hilary: He screwed too many women and left me like a whore. No I'm gonna Kill Bill

by Boaz February 25, 2005

26๐Ÿ‘ 25๐Ÿ‘Ž

Bill Clinton

To receive a blowjob while smoking a cigar, and then to take the cigar and place the unlit end into a girls vagina. After this, remove the cigar and proceed to smoke it again. This is the little known move called the "Bill Clinton".

I didn't have any cigars to perform a Bill Clinton yesterday with my girl.

by Tony McCloud April 13, 2009

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Bill of Rights

A list of all the things Bill Gates has done right.


Person: Hey Bill, what have you done right?
Bill Gate: Obvious a lot. I'm richest man on earth.

Child: Mom? Why is there a "TM" next to the Bill of Rights
Mom: Don't fret baby, Bill Gates just trademarked our amendments.
Child: Why?
Mom: He's the richest man on earth. He can do anything.
Child: MOMMY, i'm scared.

by queso-y-queso January 3, 2010

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Bill Belichick

An incredibly smart coach known for gutsy calls and bizarre tactics. Known to throw the red flag to contest a play and get it denied 75 percent of the time. He also makes brilliant calls that give away football games to football geniuses like Peyton Manning who laughs when they go for it on the fourth down at their 29 yard line. Coach of a team who led a perfect season and choked on the last game. If he would have just had another camera on the sideline he would have been able to cheat better. With Tom Brady as your jester, anything is possible, except making an intelligent call to win the game.

I totally pulled a Bill Belichick - I had the game in the bag and then I gave it away.

by tom brady cheat November 17, 2009

92๐Ÿ‘ 121๐Ÿ‘Ž

medical billing

hott people who work their butts off so doctors can pay them a crap load of money and stay in business.

Stacy has a job in the medical billing field.

by roebrts_83 October 13, 2008

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a Bill Cosby

A Jell-o shot.

Can also be called a Cosby or a Cosby shot.

They have a ton of Cosby's in refridgerator!

Let's take a Cosby shot.

I was ridiculous from those Bill Cosby's last night.

I took a Bill Cosby. Now I'm throwed.

by Shot-caller. November 3, 2010

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