An Xbox controller that is the color Lime
I have a Lime Xbox Controller!
Shut the fuck up kid.
refers to a situation in which a driver is unable to maintain proper control over the vehicle, often resulting from factors such as slippery road conditions, mechanical failure, or the vehicle's response to a collision. This loss of control can lead to the car veering off its intended path, spinning, or sliding, and may increase the risk of further accidents or collisions.
A scene of where a young man in his late 20s name Jeremy watching a gay sex porn video on porn hub and jerking off while driving and he loss of control when he was distracted.
Passenger 1 (Shocked): "Is that... explicit content? Where's that coming from? Oh my God, is that guy in the Honda fit behind us-what the hell is he doing?"
Passenger 2 (Angry):"is this dude serious? He's literally jerking off while driving! That's disgusting!"
Passenger 3 (Concerned): "Someone call the police! This guy's gonna kill someone!
Passenger 4 (Nervous): "I have a bad feeling about this. He's gonna hit someone any second now!"
Passenger 5 (Screaming): "Oh my God! He just hit that old lady’s car! What's wrong with him?!"
• Passenger 6 (Frantic): "Hold on! He's heading straight for us—brace yourself!"
All: AHHHHHHHHH *honda hits the bus*
Passenger 5 (Terrified): "Brace yourselves! He hit us! He freaking hit us!"
The Honda after collided into the bus went into the lagoon.
Passenger 3: "And he still had that nasty stuff playing. What kind of person does this?! This has to be the most messed-up thing l've ever seen!"
Person 2: "Good riddance! I'm sorry, but he almost killed everyone here. That's karma right?”
Passenger 4: "And he had, like, porn playing on full blast! It was crazy! He just plowed through everything in his way and he didn’t stopped to see what he did and plunged into the sea. Good for him for colliding into our bus and that innocent old woman in her lil’ car!"
When a female uses her insane thickness to control your life and actions
Bitch has muffin mind control over me
It means that when a government body allows a new business to move into an area ,they will often not require the company to pay property taxes for a period of time, often for many years. It's a huge benefit to the government and the business because property tax control limits taxes for some businesses.
A method of controlling aspects such as tempo, depth, pleasure/pain, and orgasm of a woman by inserting the thumb tip of your dominant hand into her asshole and putting you fingers towards her back as if to grab her by the inside of her ass while fucking her pussy from behind.
Ashley yelled that she wanted John to go harder and deeper, so he took his right hand off her hips and used his control thumb. She immediately stopped telling him what to do and went along with however John decided to treat her in that position.
A way to weed out anything bad in a selection of things.
Something that Urban Dictionary does not have.
That's why definitions like Ifyouarereadingthis are still up.
Man, kids do not have quality control!
a way for parents 2 interfere with privacy rights of their kids. used to look at people's search history.
i hate goddamn fucking shitty parental controls