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A person who rides the jock of a DJ simply because they are a DJ. Just being a DJ, and not even a good one, can garner you a DJ Ho. DJs will often use DJ hoes to carry their heavy record bags. Like a groupie for DJs.

This DJ sucks, I can't believe how many DJ Hoes are on his nuts...

These records weigh a grip, I wish I had a DJ Ho to carry them.

by plantlife November 20, 2006

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1) Big bodied domestic sedan or coupe. Preferably Lincoln, Cadillac, or Chevrolet Impala/Caprice, although Ford LTD or Chrysler Newports suffice. Vehicle may contain any or all of the following: Spoke rims, hydraulics, stereo system that (at loud volumes) can make rear view mirror detach from windshield, accumulate noise violation tickets, or make the screws holding the license plates on back out. In addition the vehicle favored as a hoe-runner can contain: window tint, more chrome than automobile, fuzzy dice, leopard print or leather interior, shag carpet, custom license plates (commonly referring to the vehicle as a pimpmobile or the driver as a pimp).
See: Pimpmobile
2) Person who enjoys the courtship of hos.

"I'm not really a big ho-runner."
"My uncle used to drive a 'ho-runner' "

by Pimp Daddy Danny Slick May 29, 2008

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no ho itis

A nigga suffering from no pussy got a long period of time

On naw he got no ho itis look at how he acting

by That nigga 321123 December 16, 2016


like a glow-up, but instead of glowing up to become a hotter & better person, someone glows up to become a ho, therefore hoeing-up

Everyone expected Sara to glow-up during sophomore year, but were surprised when she had a ho-up instead and started wearing bikinis as shirts during the winter.

by joebidennn March 8, 2018

skype ho

A prostitute uses Skype to meet her clients.

You know that chic you befriended on Facebook, she's a Skype ho.

by ms.jess66 March 2, 2016

Dinner Ho

A woman who goes on a date with someone in order to be treated to a free meal.

She been on three first dates this week, that girl's a dinner ho.

by Stevebo0124 September 13, 2018

Ho Dispensary

A brothel.

I'm thinkin' of hittin' da club and maybe later payin' a visit to the ole ho dispensary.

by vfuzz March 6, 2019

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