Source Code

Rock and Rick Roll

When you listening to rock music and the dude on the aux changes the song

"I swear Shawn, if you Rock and Rick Roll me, I am beating yo ass."

by Vanilla Water November 7, 2017

Uncle ricked

When your uncle molests you on a fishing trip 🎶never made it as a wise man🎶

When i was 7 in gatlenburg Tennessee i got uncle ricked

by Ike19991123 June 1, 2023

Corporate Rick

The guy that was once a participating member of the team but has now risen to corporate status and is now much too busy for the team. Of course, he still expects the free meeting lunches but obviously doesn't attend the meeting

There goes corporate Rick lunch in hand and not headed to the meeting with everyone else!

by Swaybone August 5, 2024

Ricked Up

When someone blows your back out during sex and leaves you in pain the whole next day.

Fred: "Man, Jessica really got me ricked up last night."

by gerpity April 22, 2022

International Rick Roll Day

The day that the number or rick rolls hit 1,000,000.

today is international rick roll day *never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down

by ksrksrksrksrksr July 31, 2021


The genetic fusion between smash player and internet personality Rickles and the character from the Mario universe; Wario.

The Rick-Wario stays! don't you DARE switch off!

by YaBoiChips October 11, 2022


When rick plays wario

Rick-wario just killed my entire family in cold blood

by Losniffy October 11, 2022