A means to create a digital closed trading system designed to take money from customers. Virtual currency is bought from the company, which makes profit off of every subsequent transaction made between customers. Oftentimes compared to ponzie schemes or MLM, but legally different.
"Yo, wanna join this virtual land trading game?" "No dude, that's an Isaac box, I don't want to lose my money"
What women and feminine males call the knife that men use to do man things that has a replaceable razor blade in it.
Britt: Hey Kyle, can you hand me that really sharp box cutter knife you are doing those manly tasks with to open my Amazon package.
Kyle: Sure Britt, you can borrow my UTILITY KNIFE to open your tampons from Amazon but I need it back when you're done to finish this project.
When the moot is so fat, the vag is outlined by the light blue calvin klein undies, creating a box shape. Though previously hidden very well, was exposed when a certain northmead individual wore stolen undies on a byron bay holiday. One can describe the box moot as chunky, thick, juicy and plump, taking the shape of a box.
“Wow Saarah that’s a lovely box moot”
“Saarah that box moot was something else” Aidis
To be fired, sacked or kicked out of an establishment in an unexpected, brutal or indiscreet manner.
Didn't you know? Tom got glass boxed yesterday.
Careful, don't do that. You may get glass boxed.
Box 850 London SE1 was the postal address for SIS - the Secret Intelligence Service aka MI6 when they were based at Century House, 100 Westminster Bridge Road, London SE1 from around 1966 until 1995. They then moved to the current building at Vauxhall Cross.
This needs to be seen by Box 850.