This is for all you artist out there. Paint yourself a beautiful field landscape with sunflowers and orchids. Once your landscape is painted now it’s time for the Uncle Kempy. You have to have a micro penis for this. You dip your micro penis in a beautiful brownish paint shade, don’t get too much, and stamp your micro peen on the landscape where the worms would be. If you want to see birds in the distance you may use your micro stamp for the little bird wings.
On Mother’s Day I painted Thelmer a beautiful landscape finished with the uncle kempy stamp.
Another definition of this is for all you fry cooks, waiters, and bus boys. This is when you are at work cleaning tables and suddenly you see gum under the table. How do you get it off you ask? Use the “Uncle Kempy” method. You take your micro penis, which is small and needle shaped, to jab all the dried gum off. Once you get all the gum from under the table off, table 9 will look amazing.
Today I was cleaning table 9 when I noticed the gum under the table, so I gave it a good uncle kempy scrub.
Uncle Chuck - The 44yo pervert who fucks his soyboy nephew. Doesn't have to be named chuck.
"Uncle Chuck fucked my ass last night"
A person in high school who acts like the drunk uncle who shows up to family BBQ's. Found in Iowa. Dresses like your dad
"Charles Craigmile is a real uncle Chuck
Malcolm was out last night, and went from Nicko Suave to Uncle Squinty around 1 am.
An Uncle that loves you too much and is always down to love you much more.
I had a Uncle Mitch but he got incarcerated , now he's my Uncle Touchy.