a phrase you say if you've done something wrong
Jayden: Aw, I forgot to do my homework. Ben: Just do what I do, blame it on the wind.
A release of gas from one's posterior
Guy: Ugh! What's that smell?
Buddy: Sorry boys, I just blew some French Wind..
English converted from Chinese pronunciation"好(hao)美(mei)的(de)文(wen)字(zi)", which means “such beautiful words”. Most of it is used when the other ppl swears bad words and u want to support his/her points, more like a teasing manner.
Someone says "Matt's such an asshole." u r like: "How made winds."
When one woman is rimming a man while another woman performs head on the same man. Looking like one is playing the flute and the other is blowing the bag pipes.
I walked in too Larry's house yesterday and he was teaching wind instruments,Frankie was playing the flute while Norma was blowing the bagpipes son!
1.) An Impressive Fart lasting more than 3 seconds
2.) Poor performance by a Co-Worker or Employee
Billy let out a nice Shit wind. OR
Nick is a real Shit Wind!
Whenever a woman speaks,the man hears a rushing wind sound eminating from her mouth.
The Cunt wind from her mouth knocked his hair plugs out.
A most noxious expulsion of flatulence with malicious intent.
He released the goblin wind with the windows up, causing his niece to lose her lunch on the back seat of the Subaru.