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DJ Noah FM

An internet hip hop station started in 2022 by DJ Noah 225. Listen live on djnoahfm.caster.fm

Mondays 8-10pm - The Quiet Storm
Tues & Wed 9pm - The Live Mix @ 9:00
Thurs 6-8pm - Throwback Thursday
Friday 7-10pm - The Friday Night TurnUp Mix
Saturday 6-8pm - The Zydeco Smackdown
Sat 8-10pm - Saturday Night At Da Spot
Sun 6-11am - The Gospel Morning Show
Sun 4pm - The Smoothe Jazz Soundcheck

Sun 5-8pm - All Blues Sunday

Mimi: Are you listening to Max 94.1?
Niya: Hell no im listening to DJ Noah FM!

by Fat Heffer September 10, 2023

DJ Zevendeuce

Also known as ''Legends''.
A M4D LAD of high caliber. A DJ Zevendeuce (DJ) is known to have a big penis, and huge balls to go with it. They also have an enhanced sense of smell as well as being fluent in Vietnamese.

DJ Zevendeuces are also highly musical, and are known to have the voice of an angel.
If you spot a DJ Zevendeuce DO NOT APPROACH IT! They are known to be savage AF, and will 100% kill you if you're a soi boy. The ''Soi boy'' is the only natural enemy of the DJ Zevendeuce, so it will attack to kill. The DJs only predator is the ''feminist''. The feminist does not approve of the DJ's m4d lad approach to life, and will try to justify ruining it.

''This DJ Zevendeuce is a total m4d lad bro!''

by motherofbibse November 27, 2018

Mobile DJ

Someone who likes to roll down their windows of their and play their volume at full blast

There were 12 different mobile DJs while we were stuck in traffic

by Sam's town July 15, 2022

DJ Merkury

Drum and Bass DJ / Producer from Atlanta

DJ Merkury spins Jungle in the underground club scene.

by Merkury May 15, 2008

DJ lurker

That one guy that lingers at Plug DJ Nightcore for 12 hours straight, waiting to play his music.

Have you seen any DJ lurkers lately?
Nah man, you?

by Random24/7 March 2, 2015

DJ Tuttle

Hottest guy on the planet that would rock you world every night with a dick that ranges 7 to 8 inches

DJ, hot, sexy, orgasmic, DJ Tuttle

by all the women that like sex April 9, 2011

Dj V Ali

Imagine you’re walking down the road, your life is at peace, you feel happy while listening to your favourite songs and suddenly... a large can of V suddenly hits you in the face while you hear loud tunes of “Murder On My Mind” by That Melly Guy... run. That is Dj V Ali, the largest menace in all of Australia, it’s a she but her identity is unknown, victims have seen her launch 700 V cans out the windows, police officers have lost tires from the edges of the V cans that render the wheels useless. She has drop kicked 50 elderly men aged 69 while wearing a V Can Costume and saying “It’s Go Time Fuckers” with her gang. Her gang consists of 40 toddlers that ride 24 large kittens and are known to cause havoc.


by Goldzma May 22, 2021