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Salty The Pirate

To Salty The Pirate is when a man and a woman are having Oral Sex, and the man begin's to cum, it hits the girl's eye and the girl closes their eye's and goes "ARRGGHH"

1. Dude that one girl was getting all Salty The Pirate with me last night

by Hacz0r April 2, 2009

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myspace pirate

A person that sends out friend requests to any and everyone in a quest to out friend everyone else.

Timmy you are a myspace pirate.

by playmisterio May 22, 2008

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Pirate Game

Pirate game is a sex game, but only the male individual plays (assuming we are speaking about a straight couple). The game goes like this: The gentleman cums in his partners eye and when she gets up to wash her eyes, the boy kicks her ankle. It is clear why the game got its name.

-Bro you won't believe this! Yesterday in the party I hooked up with some girl and I played the Pirate Game on her.

by Big Boy Shark December 12, 2021

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Pirate Style

Drinking alcohol straight from the bottle.

I did not want to get up to get a glass, so I decided to drink it 'Pirate Style.'

by The Wino February 25, 2013

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Pirate Taxi

An unlicensed taxi service - commonly found in the third world but are right next to you on the highway everywhere. In some countries Pirate Taxi rides are considered extreme sports and are considered hazardous to your health, possibly sanity.

That crazy pirate taxi driver ran over 3 orphans and a nun after he lost control on a curve but he got us to the airport on time.

by JacoPirate February 15, 2010

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Puddle Pirate

A small group of men and women conducting maritime, military and, multi-mission service unique among the U.S. military branches. They protect the Homeland with jurisdiction in both domestic and international waters. Envied by other military brances to included the U.S Navy "Squids".

Navy: Your just a stupid Puddle Pirate
Coastie: Hey shipmate someone's got to take care of the Homeland & Navy Wives, don't you know Navy wives make the best Coastie babies :)

by SirPaddy July 31, 2012

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pirate key

Pirate key is a sexual term, referring to anal stimulation using one's pointer, middle, and pinky fingers. (i.e. two in the pink, one in the stink)

Damn, that broad from the bar was a freaky as hell last night, dawg. She wanted me to pirate key her ass, yo"

by LaydeeRealTalk August 13, 2015

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