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time crapsule

When a duece is placed in a secret location to be discovered unintentionally later on. Generally considered an act of gratuitous depravity. Generally a time crapsule is left for a sufficient amount of time to allow the odor to fully disseminate into its new environment.

Some places one might discover a time crapsule could be a glovebox, a desk drawer, an attic, in a coffee mug, the freezer, etc.

Scott - "Dude, I think someone left a time crapsule in my room, but I have no idea where it might be."

by Kleatus December 11, 2007

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smexy time

its when couples are flirting around with each other making themselves horny. like a day for teasing and making love. a special moment for two individuals who digs each other a lot sexually then doing the deed in a day. a hot dirtyyyy webcam session.

" i miss our smexy time together every sunday "

by hot flip chik May 16, 2009

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T Time

The act of drinking heavily (mostly cheap ass vodka/beer) with your bros in one of their basements, packing mad lips, playing mvp 2005, and chilling out

max- yo ga its t time
bill- ight no doubt lets get fucking crippled wasted tonight
max- no doubt im tryin to yack

by the godfaTher July 31, 2012

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Type-Time- (Noun) at what costs?The Curiosity of another's intentions.Descended from "Having the type of time" used in Philadelphia. And Philadephia areas.

What type-time does she be on? Because She had sexual intercourse with 9 Dudes at the club last night forb $80. Its thanks giving man, im about to be on my rick ross type-time. intentions intent Having a good time Type Time"Having the type of time" used in Philadelphia. And Philadephia areas.

by ThunderByrd215 January 23, 2014

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Nigerian Time

People who use Nigerian Time are people who usually arrive at or start an event late. Not Punctual. Late

The Event begins at 8am prompt. Please no Nigerian Time

by troublemakerofafrica September 24, 2018

Carpet Time

The duration of your feet resting comfortably on the floor mat while on cruise control.

Dude, I had 20 continuous minutes of carpet time on I-85 on my morning commute. How lucky was that?

by Dr. Howard Hevalaqua, II January 13, 2012

kootenay time

It's all about the easy going, stress free, slow pace of life in the Kootenay area. Where a given time is merely a ballpark figure. Take time, slow down, enjoy the view, smile, chat with a stranger, stop and smell the roses, do whatever makes you happy and don't ever rush it....not for anyone.

Wife: "would you hurry up and get ready! We need to be in town by 7:00!"

Husband: "Relax babe, we're on Kootenay time, we'll get there eventually"

by Rootsrock September 11, 2016