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Cunt Bucket

Group of nasty smelling, sloopy locking vaginas. Which no guy wants to stick his dick in.

Your ugly fatass ass mom and her fat freinds are a group of cunt buckets

by REM19931116 October 23, 2010

12๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž


a bucket into wich people ejaculate for the pleasure of storing there cum so that it may be drunk or poored on a partner or member of the publics face.
can also reffer to a person who is too eager to be fucked.

oh no some one has poored a cum-bucket on my head.

by iknow2much September 7, 2010

10๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž

cunt bucket

a bucket full of chopped up cunts. namely over 5 or 6 cunts.

check out this cunt bucket. There are probably like 5 or 6 of them in there!

by yourallfuckinghomos December 24, 2009

16๐Ÿ‘ 19๐Ÿ‘Ž

Nantucket Bucket

The place you go when you get hit so hard you skip Dunkalavainia and go straight to the Nantucket Bucket

Jock 1:Yo, did you catch the game last night?
Jock 2: Yea, did you see when Jock 3 got hit so hard he went to the Nantucket Bucket?

by The โ€˜Highโ€™ Cleric March 25, 2020

Bucket of Ass

A term Commonly used by an individual who is currently in a very distressed situation.


by BucketOfAss March 12, 2014

Bucket Puncher

One that is a moron

Bob: "Good God, why do you have to be such a bucket puncher?"

by corge October 18, 2010

Sticky bucket

Someone who has had a child but still sleeps around more than a prostitute

I heard that callum and a few others slept with a sticky bucket over the last few weeks

by Lee buttle January 4, 2019