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Bully Ho

Someone who comes from a troubled past, maybe burned some bridges with significant others,yet manages to stay and live in a monogamous relationship with a loved one.

I couldn’t imagine that the bully ho would still be with that girl, after all the grief he caused her.

by TimoteoRy January 30, 2021


Reid magnuson

Reid magnuson is a huge bully

by Milf magnetson October 29, 2021


1. Someone who's being mean to another in any way 2. NATHALY

Nathaly is being a bully toward people

by Bully518 February 19, 2017


VTX’s definition of bully is whenever somebody of a higher level and power blows up their ship, although they do it to others

Syyn: “XCIX is a bully for blowing up my ship in their territory while hitting their UPC miners!”

by SuspiciousTrekker April 5, 2021


Someone who has nothing to do with their life so they hurt others

No one likes a bully

by December 16, 2016


He is usually a midget, yet carrying a heavy weight in his stomach at all times, you have ask yourself : can men get pregnant? how can this person carry his torso with the chicken legs god gave him? its fine, to match his outside, is his inside. Nice to everyone except one individual that wrote this.

Bully: YO so ugly and everyone hates you!
Me: /im scared to fight back bc he is aggresive/ yes
Bully: /keeps bullying me everyday/

by bigbrain33 November 23, 2019


A bully is a little shit who hurts people mentally or physically they ruin others lives

Jeff bullied Eva Jeff is a bully and is a terrible guy

by Panromantic_boio February 24, 2019