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black market challenge

A black market challenge is a dare that has a long term affect on those who choose to accept the dare, similarly to how associating with people who use illegal markets can have a long term affect on you.

"Hey, black market challenge; cut off all of your hair."
"nah bro that ain worth it."

by ligamentman33 January 29, 2023

16πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

candy cane challenge

When a woman has nipples so hard she can hang candy canes on them

Guy 1: Hey, did you those candy canes hanging on her nipples? They must have been so hard to keep them there!
Guy 2: Yeah! It’s called the candy cane challenge. It’s a holiday tradition.

by HowLowBTieName December 13, 2019

The icy hot challenge

a challenge where you jerk off with icy hot and try to finish before the hot kicks in.

last night I tried the icy hot challenge and I was jerking it so fast my dick was about to fall off but I completed the challenge.

by boiboiboi6969 November 16, 2017

Freshman 15 Challenge

A challenge to have sex with 15 people during your freshman year at college or university. Inspired by the animated webshow 'Dick Figures'.

DYLAN: Yo Lewis, did you hear about Robin?
LEWIS: No, what about him?
DYLAN: He did the freshman 15 challenge! The madman really did it!

by slimeshady September 3, 2019

The Winter Break Challenge

Attempting to masturbate as many times as physically possible before your dick falls off, during the time between fall and spring semester.

Guy 1: "Just finished my last final!"
Guy 2: "Let The Winter Break Challenge BEGIN!"
Guy 1: "Already jerked one out on the way over."

by otterpark May 16, 2014

Taco Bell Challenge

The act of purchasing the "Grande Meal" consisting of 10 tacos, to be made up of 5 hard shell and 5 soft shell tacos, and consuming every last shred of each taco within a half hour. The rules are simple:
1) Eat EVERYTHING. This includes every shred of lettuce.
2) Choice of Border Sauce and drinks is left to the Challenger.

Everytime they got drunk, the Taco Bell Challenge was called for at around 2AM.

by TacoBellChallengeWinner October 24, 2005

157πŸ‘ 53πŸ‘Ž

Forrest Gump Challenge

a challenge to drink 15 Dr. Peppers in less than 8 hours. After you finnished the last Dr. Pepper, you must run out to sombody and say "I must had me about 15 Dr. Peppers"
In addition, everytime you used the bathroom you must cite "Mr. President, I gotta go pee"

This challenge is homage to the movie

"I took the Forrest Gump challenge once. never again

by Big Bubba B June 10, 2009

23πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž