looks like a spaghetti noodle. thinks baseball is a contact sport. cant keep a girlfriend
davis is on crack.
A guy without much Rizz.
They might get mixed up with 'David', so make sure to be specific!
They also usually get a double chin when they 'mew'
One thing to note, they are very short.
Yo, is that Davi tryna mew? Why does he have a double chin...
BIG DICK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! só isso mesmo
Refers to jazz trumpet legend, Miles Davis.
When I listen to jazz, I usually listen to Davis.
Davis is a short cute handsome guy with a big dick, he's very caring and giving and will forever be there for you in tough moments. By big we mean huge. Davis also is horny 25/8 thinking of boobs and butterfly locs on girls.
" Hey is that Davis, his balls are so big "
Amazing brother! Loves giving hugs and will make you feel better! Loves to jump around and sing to God. Beloved!
Davi is so amazing!
Look at him jump around and dance and sing.
Davi is the best boyfriend someone can have. And you don‘t need to question his loyality. Davi is there for you and has always a shoulder to cry on. You can trust Davi no matter what and he always keep his promises.
Girlfriend:Wow i am very lucky to have Davi as my boyfriend