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east chapel hill snow

A unique mix of cocaine, crushed up addies, and powdered xanax common at East Chapel Hill High School in Chapel Hill, NC. Sometimes can be mixed with slices of money for that extra east chapel hill oomph.

Aye you you wanna do that east chapel hill snow?

Yeah man after I finish my AP comp gov homework

by Dicksucker430 March 27, 2018

east juniata high school

A school where if you are being bullied, it is usually by the teachers.
Also best known for its nickname "hell" and for its ruler Mr. Fausey, who will give you a death glare that only makes you want to laugh.

Why does East Juniata High School suck so much?

by DHaas December 3, 2015

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Wausau East High School

(N) a school/place for butt munchers that encapsulates then true spirit of love. The temperature is of a meat locker yet somehow that does not preserve anything because the smell of something rotting remains consistent through the halls. It is home to some happy memories though like the infamous bucket speach, world famous jack shack cookies and badge, the wonderful dog.

Wausau east high school makes me want to die- various students

by Gurlycake February 20, 2019

east catholic high school

a school where parents pay 12,000 dollars for their kids to be getting Cโ€™s and Dโ€™s on their report card. also a place where juuling has become the biggest issue and you no longer can sit in your own car for 5 mins because teachers think your up to something

east catholic high school โ€œhome of the juulsโ€

by wjaodhebqksodidhe hi December 9, 2017

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East Longmeadow High School

East Longmeadow High School, or ELHS for short, is a place where the building is older than 90% of the people inside, and the only positive thing is the HIV test results.

"where are you going to high school?"
"East Longmeadow High School"

by student7184761 December 4, 2015

East Cutty Bum Fuck

A place far away

Gee, it took you long enough to drive there and back, where'd you go, East Cutty Bum Fuck?

by Barny R May 28, 2011

East Texas Hot Pocket

When you take two pieces of bologna and heat them in the microwave for 13 seconds each. You then insert the heated bologna in a cardboard toilet paper roll to MacGyver a redneck Fleshlight before proceeding to pleasure yourself to a picture of your first cousin.

When I was 15 my uncle Ricky showed me how to make an East Texas Hot Pocket, I went straight home and tried it! I didn't leave my room for three days and that was only to go into town to the Piggly Wiggly and steal more bologna!

by Ricky Fitts January 24, 2019

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