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Fuckin on nut

A form of doing to much Relates to such terms like
Dck riding and dck eating

Kristen:Why are u messing with Dasia

Dalon: stop fuckin on nut

Kerrie : why u wearing skinny jeans with that big ahh shirt
Quincy: you just fuckin on nut

by Kb from atl October 3, 2024

Oh they fuckin'

Used as an alternate, more colloquial, version of "I ship it". Literally means "Character x and y are going to have sex together".

Person 1: Person 2, I trust you with all my heart.
Person 2: I can say the same for you
Bystander: Oh they fuckin'!

by hollowknightenjoyer July 7, 2022


A person or people who are stuck in an unfortunate situation.
A person or people who will lose.
A person or people who have lost hope.

"I lost my money and can't pay my bills. I'm fuckinated!"

"Can you believe that idiot won the election?! We are all fuckinated!"
" This country is in a serious state of fuckination!"

by Poison Ivy1 May 22, 2019

fuckin owned

when some one gets owned brutaly

boy 1 dam dam dam

boy 2 dam man i fuckin owned you

by undead4ever September 2, 2008

Fuckin Bogin

An alcoholic cocktail typically offered as a 'birthday shot' and birthed in a Weatherspoons in Scotland.

The drink consists of one shot of Marshmallow Flavoured Unicorn Gin and one of Black Sambuca, which ideally should be served in a small glass and layered where possible.

The name Fuckin Bogin derives from the typical reaction one would usually give when asked 'How was your shot?'

While it is often met with some level hesitation it can be said that a that a person will 'down' the shot if they are told verbatim you're a 'Shitebag if yi dinny' this can be repeated firmly if required.

I got you a Fuckin Bogin for your birthday shitebag if yi dinny

by 817ehd8e6e8eur8 January 4, 2019


An expression of extreme pain. Mentally or physically.

When John stubbed his toe he said “ FUCKIN TITTY BITCH!!!”

When Linda didn’t respond to Joe’s message within a week he thought “ FUCKIN TITTY BITCH MY FEELINGS ARE INJURED!!”

by M4DL4DS February 12, 2021

Fuckin Johnny

An expression used when that dumbass Johnny does some stupid shit again.

Fuckin Johnny pooped in the microwave again

by Hairymenacingfoot January 4, 2022