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idiotic human

The people who go on here to write words that should never exist and the people who accept these idiotic words. The people who don't know how to use their brains but use all of the intelligence and creativity they have on the internet.

I am an idiotic human for being here in the first place.

by ricebeanscats March 10, 2018

Human Noose

An act of a Naked man climbing a tree up to a branch then proceeding to stretch his penis around the branch and puts into his anus then proceeding to hang from the branch.

My Dick hurts after doing that Human Noose yesterday

by Kitsunes Balls July 24, 2021

Human Computer

the Act of a genius getting fucked by multiple furries and being forced to recite pi.

Man, I bet Albert Einstein loved being a human computer.

by balltickler69 February 7, 2023

Human GPS

Technoblade is the human gps.
He always knows where he is going and can easily find anything.

"wow," said Rick, "Techno is such a Human GPS."

by jaysay1000000 October 16, 2020

Faith in Humanity

Gone. There's simply none.

Where's my Faith in Humanity? I already found Waldo. What's the point.
*walks away* Why do I have to be a human of all species? Hey, at least I'll still be there by the next decade.

by The Living Walking Dictionary February 9, 2023

Faith in humanity

Error: this doesn't exist after 2022

I lost all faith in humanity after the Russo-Ukrainian war started.

by TF2aficionado July 29, 2022

faith in humanity

Something I don't have. And neither should you.

I can go on and on about all the reasons I've lost faith in humanity but then I'd break the character limit

by SevenFootRatsRatsAlongHisRats December 13, 2022