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bubble cheese

A very foul smelling fart that bubbles out of your butthole.

His bubble cheese was so bad it made the girl gag.

by Keeping it real November 30, 2015

duck bubbling

When you fart in a bath and it sounds like a duck quack

I was having a nice bath the other day before an epic duck bubbling came out of nowhere

by Baldymcbald January 21, 2018

bubbly fish

The goldfish with the bubble cheeks that you've probably always wanted to poke to see if the cheeks will pop.

p1-"Do you remember those fish at pet smart from when we were like 5?"
p2-"you mean the bubbly fish? i always wanted to buy one just to poke it."
p3- "I believe they're called bubble eye goldfish"
p1&2-"your no fun..."

by Yaku leslie-draco drespeire March 9, 2010

Stinky bubbles

Farts in the bathtub. Synonym for farts when dealing with small children.

"Ariel, did you make stinky bubbles? " :)

Ariel (2yo): "I made stinky bubbles!" :)

by 71723 March 3, 2018

touch bubble

Touch bubble is when someone is standing, sitting, laying to close to you that it makes you uncomfortable.

Or so close to you and they smell bad, you can smell their bad breath and when you try to move away they get close to you again.

"Tim smells so bad. He was in my touch bubble all night at the party"

"Sally was in my touch bubble during class and I could smell her nasty breath"

"We can sleep in the same bed but im putting a pillow in between us so you dont come into my touch bubble"

by Kit cat 121 October 19, 2019

Double bubbles

Drinking champagne in a hot tub

Sam, tam, and Cheryl were buzzed more than a bee on the first day of spring while enduring double bubbles!

by Samalambadingdongditch December 30, 2017

Social bubble

An algorithm developed by computer, which is based on your personal, social, political and other opinions. Commonly used by social media and eshops. This is what cookies are for. The algorithm then basically shows you more content like the one you clicked on earlier.

Positives: Ads that pop up are more relevant for you and servers like YouTube is going to show relevant videos for you.

Negatives: Often leads to extremism these days, especially during the covid-19 pandemic because people often get to certain social bubbles on social media, where are only other people with same opinions. This makes them closeminded and and think that they are woke.

Be very careful with your social bubble and try to pop it if possible. Listen to people with different opinions otherwise you end up as dogmatic as the catholic church during the middle ages.

Jamall: Yo we should talk more to Roy, cause he's trapped in his social bubble and is starting to talk shit about Oompa Loompas who built the pyramids and wanna kill anyone who says Chipotle 3 times in front of the mirror at midnight.
Phill: Yeah he's a good guy, we should not let that happen to him.

by apexgb January 3, 2021