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In a person, not the sign. Leo is an amazing person I've ever met. He warming up, adorable, and feels like home when he's around you. I'm grateful to meet this person.

Leo: "Anything bad happen?"
Me: "Absolutely yes."
Leo: *give a hug in silence*

by Kerrel November 23, 2021


Leo’s a fictional character who has been said to canonly be a furry. Although it is not confirmed YET, we cannot tell if it’s true or not. There’s been high suspicions of Leo having god furry powers in the tv show in season 6, so we’re all looking forward to seeing Leo’s ultimate power!

Leo: “Aah~ Kowo, are you done yet? I’m getting bored here waiting till you’re done fucking with Aqua.”

by Mogu<3 May 27, 2021



Leo Banana.

by NotLeo1231231 April 30, 2022


Leo is a kind hearted guy and loves to be independent, he doesn't want any bullshitting style, an optimistic man, and has very high level of ambition to succed. He is the man who never surrender in a fight once get annoyed, He is a Sagittarian, Also a Tiger in Chinese zodiac, He has no fear if he is in a right opinion, He's amazing if you know how big hearted he is.



1. Leo is not playing your game.
2. Leo will do everything for you.
3. Leo has enormous sense of humour.

by T-Rexjjz February 24, 2019


nicole's buttfriend

nicole likes to finger leo's butt

by peppenapoli November 14, 2023


Teenage version of Uncle Ruckus

Person 1: I hate niggers!
Person 2: But you're black...
Person 1: No i'm not, KILL YOURSELF NIGGER!
Person 2: You're being such a Leo.

by iamaniggerbutihateniggers December 7, 2023


A nonce, don’t trust around kids , gets off to children

Mom: Make Sure not to leave your daughter around Leo

by hehehehehaop September 8, 2023