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Big City Liberal

A liberal whose views have been shaped by life in a liberal leaning city, and as a result, has become stubborn, biased, and prone to making assumptions about society that aren't necessarily true.

After Dave went to art school in New York City, he became a Big City Liberal and is unable to think for himself.

"Stuffwhitepeoplelike.com" is a website that is more or less about "Big City Liberals".

by grabbo964 March 19, 2012

10πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

tree hugging liberal

A person who lives in a wooden house but who does not want you to live in a wooden house, and who does criminal acts to prevent more wooden houses from being built.

Morris is a tree hugging liberal who burns down wooden houses that are under construction.

by Joao Bufamarillo May 14, 2005

188πŸ‘ 127πŸ‘Ž

how to become a liberal

I figured out how to be a liberal by reading this stuff. Here’s the trick.

1. Make outrageous claims.

2. Don’t attempt to back up said claims with any kind of evidence.

3. Don’t offer any type of specific solutions to anything, only speak in generalities (again without evidence).

4. Label any criticism of your ideas (or lack thereof) as bigoted, racist, fascist, hateful, out of bounds, no fairsies, or do-over.

5. Blame failure to get elected on the things in #4.

I wrote the page on how to become a liberal

by Fuck michael moore July 10, 2006

102πŸ‘ 67πŸ‘Ž

bleeding ass liberal

A variant of the more common bleeding-heart liberal. A person who claims affiliation to the political left, regardless of party (though they are in highest concentration in the ranks of the Green Party), who is very far on the liberal side. These people are focused on all aspects of liberalism, but place special emphasis on gay/transgendered rights.

Jim is a bleeding heart liberal like his wife Tina, but Blake is a bleeding ass liberal who thinks Tina should be married with a transgendered person named Tiffany.

by Demon Phoenix 1337 October 5, 2004

66πŸ‘ 44πŸ‘Ž

operation iraqi liberation

a deceptive and official sounding word created by George W. Bush to cover up the fact that he just wants to finish what daddy started. YEEEEHAWWW, CALL DADDY, WE'RE GOIN' BACK TO THE DESERT just didn't sound as good. i wonder if the president would be as excited about the project if his daughters were over there waiting to get killed.

we can't tell the people the truth about this war, let'smake up something that sounds official...hmmmmmmmm, how'bout operation iraqi liberation.

by kevin December 29, 2005

65πŸ‘ 47πŸ‘Ž

tree hugging liberal

A term often associated with the modern day hippie.
People who consider themselves tree hugging liberals are often considered to be.

- Pacifist
- Environment Friendly aka Treehugger
- Vegetarian or Vegan
- Progressive or Liberal

If you're a tree hugging liberal, you support the green party or extreme liberals like ralph nader. If you don't, you're a fake.

by section31 December 1, 2004

106πŸ‘ 86πŸ‘Ž

Liberal Media Bias

The myth often promoted by hard core conservatives that they or their views are not treated fairly by the supposedly liberal media. This notion comes from various surveys that show that a typical sampling of journalists are likely to be slightly more liberal than average.

However, using such surveys as proof overlooks the much harsher realities. First, all major media outlets are owned by large corporations that have pro-big business and low regulation preferences. Secondly, where news agencies were once considered a public service they are now seen as having to be self supporting through advertizing. And, advertizers tend to favor a pro-big business point of view. Third, Fox handpicked its staff to be conservative even more so than CNN. Fourth, radio is quite extreme in its conservative to liberal ratio. In 2004 Air America which was the biggest liberal radio network was only broadcast on 14 radio stations compared with 5,000 that carried Bill O'Reilly, Hannity, and Rush Limgaugh and another 4,000 that carried consevative religious programming. In fact, through most of its history MSNBC was conservative like CNN having such hosts as Ann Coulter and Tucker Carlson and Imus for its morning program. MSNBC has since become more liberal in primetime with Ed Schultz, Keith Olbermann, and Rachel Maddow but nevertheless retains a strongly conservative slant with Morning Joe.

The liberal media bias excuse when invoked is similar to justifications used by alcoholics to dismiss their addiction. It could also be viewed as an ad hominem attack to dismiss bad press in much the same fashion as dismissing the members of a particular race, religion, or heritage.

Tom Delay insists he was a victim of liberal media bias.

by wordguy62 April 24, 2009

453πŸ‘ 18911πŸ‘Ž