Lily is a princess and deserves the world. She is cute, loving and caring. She is perfect. She will treat you like a king and love you with all her heart. She is silly and funny but also serious. I love Lily
Lily G is a princess and deserves the world
Lily Logsdon she is a beautiful determined girl very athletic and happy. She can be kind but at times if someone hits that spot she’s not really lol. People always have to say good things about her, she is silly and down to do fun stuff. You can trust her and be open. If y’all ever have a problem with each other she will try to make it right or not mess with it. If you have a Lily Logsdon in your life keep her.
“oh look! there is Lily Logsdon she is the most kindest girl ever and so pretty
big booty but flat chested af
wow, she looks like a lily clarke! thats a shame
A shy girl who is so Beautiful you will love her
Lily Ann is prett
Lily Grace, she’s the quiet girl. Laid back and defined as “chill”. But her thoughts are so loud, if only she could write them all down. Speak your mind even if your voice shakes, you’re strong and don’t let anyone tell you any different. You’re rare, no one is you and that is your power
Lily Grace, you spend most of your life in your head…make it a nice place to be in. Stop playing small, if you play small, you stay small.
Clara-Lily is the friend everybody wishes they had. Some people get jealous of her good looks but she is a kind and heartfelt and will always stand up to bullies. Clara-Lily will be with you no matter what
Clara-Lily really helped me today
Lily is a person you need in your life and if you don’t have a lily in your life then your life must suck. She is absolutely amazing, gorgeous, trustworthy, caring, kind and overall amazing. There are a gazillion more great things I could say about lily but obviously it wouldn’t fit. She is literally that gorgeous though. She is always there for you whenever you need someone to speak to and is someone who will be there for you for anything. She can and will brighten your day and make you smile or laugh no matter what mood you are in. If you have a lily in your life keep her! You never know when you will next need someone to speak to or someone that will stand up to you❤️
Person 1: Omg it’s Lily Domrow
Person 2: yeah she’s my best friend
Person 1: luckyyyy