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luibh na súile diamhra

An Irish Gaelic expression which literally translates as "the herb of the mystical eyes" but whose acronymic derivative is a reference to the hallucinogenic drug LSD.

Two tabs of luibh na súile diamhra will be enough

by An Sionnach December 15, 2019

na baby

na baby is da gooiest gooiest and is ur puppy

omg I see na baby.

by juuuuuuuyyyynnnn January 25, 2021

Na Ek

Na Ek the Lai/ Chin word for "bullshit"
Commonly used for when a person is telling a big lie

"Na Ek lying ahh boi"

by VBC.DAVID March 23, 2024

Na Jerard

When someone messages you first bat ghosts you after you reply

Na Jerard si Stephen ng crush niya

by Gloomy_Beer August 18, 2022