Source Code

the n word

a word you can't say because that's racist

old man: I'm gonna say the n word

by skipperthepenguin December 22, 2018

732๐Ÿ‘ 91๐Ÿ‘Ž

word buddy

A friend with which one does the Urban Dictionary and Mirriam Webster Dictionary words of the day, everyday, with the challenge of using each word in conversation at some point during the day.

"My word buddy just texted me that the Urban Dictionary word of the day is 'Saltdaddy' and the Mirriam Webster word of the day is 'reverberate'. Now I have to figure out how to use both of those words in context at some point today."

by PutYoPantsOn April 13, 2014

word guzzler

That one friend you have that just chats utter bullshit 24/7.

Jago is a absolute word guzzler

by xXkrishXx November 17, 2016

word of Twit

Information uncritically believed followed and quoted exactly as read on Twitter.

I brought home a trunk full of beef before I realized the impending meat strike was was only word of Twit.

by JonasOfToronto May 27, 2009

word to mommy

I swear

Word to mommy I'm about to beat your ass.

by yoyo2016 December 27, 2016

28๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

word up

I comprehend what you are saying and verify that your statement is true, my good brother.

"Donkey Kong is the best video game ever made."
"Word up!"

by KevinV November 10, 2006

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Any word...

Now what?

(Just to let you know โ€œAny word...โ€ is not the only thing you can type)

by Ya got any grapes? May 19, 2021